Are moral choices simply relative, a matter of culture or taste? Are genuine moral disagreements possible? Should we just tolerate different ways that people choose to live?  Nigel Warburton interviews Simon Blackburn on these important questions. In the course of the discussion Blackburn outlines his own quasi-realist position.
Direct download: BlackburnRelMixSess.mp3
Category:Simon Blackburn -- posted at: 12:42pm BST

What is disadvantage? How can we identify the most disadvantaged in society and what should we or governments do about it? Jonathan Wolff, co-author of a new book on the topic, outlines his answers to these questions in this interview for Philosophy Bites.
Direct download: WolffMixSess.MP3
Category:Jonathan Wolff -- posted at: 11:32pm BST

Philosopher Timothy Williamson explains how we can make sense of such vague concepts as 'heap' or 'red' or 'bald' in the process outlining his own solution to what are usually known as Sorites Paradoxes. Williamson gives a precise account of what 'vagueness' means, how it differs from ambiguity, and why this matters.
Direct download: WilliamsonMixSess.MP3
Category:Timothy Williamson -- posted at: 6:59pm BST

Are all our thoughts simply physical events in our bodies? Can we give a purely physical account of the conscious human mind?  David Papineau believes that we can. In this interview for Philosophy Bites he explains what physicalism is, why he believes it to be true, and how it can be defended against a range of criticisms.
Direct download: PapineauPhys.mp3
Category:David Papineau -- posted at: 9:37am BST





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